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La parola catch è una parola straniera

30 brevi estratti dal Wikizionario (Il dizionario multilingue libero, in stile wiki!)

— In francese —
  • catch n.m. (France) (Faux anglicisme) Sport d’origine américaine qui…
  • catch n.m. (Par analogie).
— In inglese —
  • catch n. (Countable) The act of seizing or capturing.
  • catch n. (Countable) The act of catching an object in motion, especially a ball.
  • catch n. (Countable) The act of noticing, understanding or hearing.
  • catch n. (Uncountable) The game of catching a ball.
  • catch n. (Countable) Something which is captured or caught.
  • catch n. (Countable, colloquial, by extension) A find, in particular…
  • catch n. (Countable) A stopping mechanism, especially a clasp which…
  • catch n. (Countable) A hesitation in voice, caused by strong emotion.
  • catch n. (Countable, sometimes noun adjunct) A concealed difficulty…
  • catch n. (Countable) A crick; a sudden muscle pain during unaccustomed…
  • catch n. (Countable) A fragment of music or poetry.
  • catch n. (Obsolete) A state of readiness to capture or seize; an ambush.
  • catch n. (Countable, agriculture) A crop which has germinated and begun to grow.
  • catch n. (Obsolete) A type of strong boat, usually having two masts; a ketch.
  • catch n. (Countable, music) A type of humorous round in which the…
  • catch n. (Countable, music) The refrain; a line or lines of a song…
  • catch n. (Countable, cricket, baseball) The act of catching a hit…
  • catch n. (Countable, cricket) A player in respect of his catching…
  • catch n. (Countable, rowing) The first contact of an oar with the water.
  • catch n. (Countable, phonetics) A stoppage of breath, resembling a slight cough.
  • catch n. Passing opportunities seized; snatches.
  • catch n. A slight remembrance; a trace.
  • catch v. (Heading) To capture, overtake.
  • catch v. (Heading) To seize hold of.
  • catch v. (Heading) To intercept.
  • catch v. (Heading) To receive (by being in the way).
  • catch v. (Heading) To take in with one’s senses or intellect.
  • catch v. (Heading) To seize attention, interest.
17 parole italiane da 30 definizioni straniere

analogie and baseball cricket game muscle Obsolete origine Par qui refrain round Sport state the trace water

115 parole straniere da 30 definizioni straniere

act adjunct agriculture ambush américaine anglicisme attention ball begun being boat breath by␣extension capture captured capturing catching caught caused clasp colloquial concealed contact cough Countable crick crop difficulty d’origine during emotion especially extension Faux Faux␣anglicisme find first first␣contact fragment France germinated grow has having Heading hearing hesitation his hit hold humorous in␣particular in␣respect in␣respect␣of intellect intercept interest in␣the␣way in␣voice ketch line lines masts mechanism motion music noticing noun noun␣adjunct oar object of␣a of␣an one opportunities overtake pain particular Passing phonetics player poetry readiness receive remembrance resembling respect round␣in rowing seize seized seizing senses slight snatches Something sometimes song stoppage stopping strong sudden take take␣in the␣way two type unaccustomed Uncountable understanding usually voice way which with

Una parola in parola DaS (Parola trovato scritto da destra a sinistra, all'interno della parola. Dimensione minima 3 lettere.)


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cachet tacchi

Un anagramma meno una lettera (Nuova parola formata con tutte le lettere dalla parola meno una lettera.)


4 cugini (Nuove parole trovati cambiando una sola lettera.)

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