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La parola carry è una parola straniera

39 brevi estratti dal Wikizionario (Il dizionario multilingue libero, in stile wiki!)

— In francese —
  • carry n.m. Plat traditionnel réunionnais ou mauricien d’origine tamoule.
  • carry v. (Jeux vidéo) Porter une équipe, y apporter une aide indispensable.
— In inglese —
  • carry v. (Transitive) To lift (something) and take it to another place;…
  • carry v. (Transitive) To notionally transfer from one place (such…
  • carry v. (Transitive) To convey by extension or continuance; to extend.
  • carry v. (Transitive, chiefly archaic) To move; to convey using force.
  • carry v. (Transitive) To lead or guide.
  • carry v. (Transitive) To stock or supply (something); to have in store.
  • carry v. (Transitive) To adopt (something); take (something) over.
  • carry v. (Transitive) To adopt or resolve on, especially in a deliberative assembly.
  • carry v. (Transitive, arithmetic) In an addition, to transfer the…
  • carry v. (Transitive) To have, hold, possess or maintain (something).
  • carry v. (Intransitive) To be transmitted; to travel.
  • carry v. (Slang, transitive) To insult, to diss.
  • carry v. (Transitive, nautical) To capture a ship by coming alongside and boarding.
  • carry v. (Transitive, sports) To transport (the ball) whilst maintaining possession.
  • carry v. (Transitive) To have on one’s person.
  • carry v. To be pregnant (with).
  • carry v. To have propulsive power; to propel.
  • carry v. To hold the head; said of a horse.
  • carry v. (Hunting) To have earth or frost stick to the feet when running, as a hare.
  • carry v. To bear or uphold successfully through conflict, for example…
  • carry v. To succeed in (e.g. a contest); to succeed in; to win.
  • carry v. (Obsolete) To get possession of by force; to capture.
  • carry v. To contain; to comprise; have a particular aspect; to show or exhibit.
  • carry v. (Reflexive) To bear (oneself); to behave or conduct.
  • carry v. To bear the charges or burden of holding or having, as stocks…
  • carry v. (Intransitive) To have a weapon on one’s person; to be armed.
  • carry v. (Gaming) To be disproportionately responsible for a team’s success.
  • carry v. (Southern US) to physically transport (in the general sense…
  • carry v. (North America) To bear a firearm, such as a gun.
  • carry n. A manner of transporting or lifting something; the grip or…
  • carry n. A tract of land over which boats or goods are carried between…
  • carry n. (Computing) The bit or digit that is carried in an addition operation.
  • carry n. (Finance) The benefit or cost of owning an asset over time.
  • carry n. (Golf) The distance travelled by the ball when struck, until…
  • carry n. (Finance) Carried interest.
  • carry n. (UK, dialect) The sky; cloud-drift.
  • Carry prop.n. A surname.
24 parole italiane da 39 definizioni straniere

America and are assembly asset bit cloud équipe Golf guide holding Intransitive lift lifting Obsolete origine show Slang stick stock team the transfer transitive

158 parole straniere da 39 definizioni straniere

addition adopt aide alongside another another␣place apporter archaic arithmetic armed aspect ball bear behave benefit between boarding boats burden by␣extension capture carried Carried␣interest charges chiefly coming comprise Computing conduct conflict contain contest continuance convey cost deliberative dialect digit disproportionately diss distance d’origine drift earth especially example exhibit extend extension feet Finance firearm for force for␣example from frost Gaming general get goods grip gun hare have have␣in have␣on having head hold horse Hunting indispensable in␣store insult interest Jeux Jeux␣vidéo land lead maintain maintaining manner mauricien move nautical North North␣America notionally of␣a one oneself operation over over␣time owning particular person physically place Plat Porter possess possession power pregnant propel propulsive Reflexive resolve responsible réunionnais running said sense ship sky something Southern sports stick␣to stocks store struck succeed success successfully such such␣as supply surname take take␣it tamoule that that␣is through time to␣the tract tract␣of␣land traditionnel transmitted transport transporting travel travelled une until uphold using vidéo weapon when which whilst win with

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