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40 brevi estratti dal Wikizionario (Il dizionario multilingue libero, in stile wiki!)

— Internazionale —
  • .by simb. Il ccTLD assegnato dallo IANA alla Bielorussia.
— Parole straniere, definite in italiano —
  • Danese - Norvegese - Svedese
    • by s. (Geografia) villaggio.
  • Islandese
    • s. (Poetica) ape.
  • Svedese
    • by s. (Meteorologia) folata di vento.
— In francese —
  • by n.m. Fossé qui traverse un étang, aboutissant à sa bonde.
  • By n.prop. (Géographie) Commune française, située dans le département…
  • BY sym. (Marine) Code du quartier maritime de Saint-Barthélemy…
— In inglese —
  • by prep. Near or next to.
  • by prep. From one side of something to the other, passing close by; past.
  • by prep. Not later than (the given time); not later than the end…
  • by prep. Indicates the person or thing that does or causes something…
  • by prep. Indicates the creator of a work: Existing through the…
  • by prep. Indicates a means of achieving something: Involving/using the means of.
  • by prep. Indicates an authority according to which something is done.
  • by prep. Indicates a means of classification or organisation.
  • by prep. Indicates the amount of change, difference or discrepancy.
  • by prep. In the formulae X by X and by Xs, indicates a steady progression…
  • by prep. (With the) Acted on in units of the specified size or…
  • by prep. Per; with or in proportion to each.
  • by prep. Indicates a referenced source: According to.
  • by prep. Used to separate dimensions when describing the size of something.
  • by prep. (Horse breeding) Designates a horse’s male parent (sire); cf. out of.
  • by prep. (Chiefly Yeshivish) At, with, among.
  • by adv. Along a path which runs past the speaker.
  • by adv. In the vicinity, near.
  • by adv. To or at a place, as a residence or place of business.
  • by adv. Aside, away.
  • by adj. Out of the way, off to one side.
  • by adj. Subsidiary, incidental.
  • by n. Alternative form of bye.
  • by interj. Alternative spelling of bye.
  • -by suff. (In place names) Habitation.
  • b'y n. (Atlantic Canada, dialect) buddy; male friend.
  • b'y n. (Atlantic Canada, Cape Breton, dialect) man; dude, guy.
  • by- pref. (Now mostly non-productive) town or city.
  • by- pref. Nearness or roundaboutness.
  • by- pref. Secondary, incidental, or parallel to.
— in tedesco —
  • BY Abk. Bayern.
  • -by norddeutsches Ortsnamengrundwort dänischen Ursprungs für „Hof“.
  • -by deutsches Ortsnamen-Grundwort für „Flussbiegung“.
11 parole italiane da 4 definizioni italiane

alla ape assegnato Bielorussia dallo folata Geografia Meteorologia Poetica vento villaggio

19 parole italiane da 36 definizioni straniere

Alternative and business Canada Commune male Marine non not Per qui residence separate sire source speaker spelling the traverse

2 parole straniere da 4 definizioni italiane


139 parole straniere da 36 definizioni straniere

aboutissant according according␣to achieving Acted Acted␣on Along among amount Aside Atlantic Atlantic␣Canada authority away Barthélemy Bayern bonde breeding Breton buddy bye Cape Cape␣Breton causes change Chiefly city classification close close␣by Code creator dänischen dans département describing Designates deutsches dialect difference dimensions discrepancy does done dude each end étang Existing form formulae Fossé française friend From für Géographie given Grundwort guy Habitation Hof horse incidental indicates In␣place Involving later man maritime means mostly names near Nearness next next␣to non-productive norddeutsches Now of␣a off one one␣side organisation Ortsnamen Ortsnamengrundwort other out out␣of Out␣of␣the␣way parallel parent passing past path person place place␣names place␣of␣business productive progression proportion quartier quartier␣maritime referenced roundaboutness runs Saint Saint␣Barthélemy Secondary side située size something something␣to specified steady Subsidiary than that the␣way thing through time to␣the town units Ursprungs Used Used␣to using vicinity way when which with work Yeshivish

44 suffissi (Nuove parole trovati inserendo una o più lettere alla fine della parola.)

byte bypass bypassa bypassi bypasso bypassò bypassai bypassano bypassata bypassate bypassati bypassato bypassava bypassavi bypassavo bypasserà bypasserò bypassino bypassammo bypassando bypassante bypassanti bypassasse bypassassi bypassaste bypassasti bypasserai bypasserei bypassiamo bypassiate bypassarono bypassavamo bypassavano bypassavate bypasseremo bypasserete bypassassero bypassassimo bypasseranno bypasserebbe bypasseremmo bypassereste bypasseresti bypasserebbero

16 volte in mezzo (Nuove parole trovati inserendo lettere di fronte e alla fine della parola.)

exabyte baby␣boom baby-doll gigabyte kilobyte megabyte petabyte terabyte baby-bullo fly-by-wire baby␣boomer babysitter baby-sitter lobbycrazia lobbycrazie baby␣fenomeno

7 prefissi (Nuove parole trovati inserendo una o più lettere all'inizio della parola.)

baby derby dolby hobby lobby NIMBY rugby

7 cugini (Nuove parole trovati cambiando una sola lettera.)

BA bé bi- bn bq BR gy

Parola casualeTorna all'inizio
Parola precedenteParola successiva

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