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La parola buzz è una parola straniera

21 brevi estratti dal Wikizionario (Il dizionario multilingue libero, in stile wiki!)

— In francese —
  • buzz n.m. (Anglicisme) Rumeur créée pour faire parler de soi, de…
  • buzz n.m. (Audiovisuel) Bruit de fond, ronflement ou bourdonnement…
  • buzz n.m. (Argot) Cigarette de cannabis.
  • Buzz prén.m. Prénom masculin.
— In inglese —
  • buzz n. A continuous humming noise, as of bees; a confused murmur…
  • buzz n. A whisper.
  • buzz n. The audible friction of voiced consonants.
  • buzz n. (Informal) A rush or feeling of energy or excitement; a feeling…
  • buzz n. (Informal) A telephone call or e-mail.
  • buzz n. (Informal) Major topic of conversation; widespread rumor;…
  • buzz n. (Uncountable) Synonym of fizz-buzz (“counting game”).
  • buzz v. (Intransitive) To make a low, continuous, humming or sibilant…
  • buzz v. (Colloquial) To show a high level of activity and haste…
  • buzz v. (Transitive) To whisper; to communicate, as tales, in an…
  • buzz v. (Transitive) To talk to incessantly or confidentially in…
  • buzz v. (Aviation) To fly at high speed and at a very low altitude…
  • buzz v. (Transitive) To cut the hair in a close-cropped military style, or buzzcut.
  • buzz v. (Archaic, transitive) To drink to the bottom.
  • buzz v. (Transitive) To communicate with (a person) by means of a buzzer.
  • Buzz prop.n. A male given name.
— In olandese —
  • buzz n. De (overmatige) aandacht voor iets.
13 parole italiane da 21 definizioni straniere

and Argot cannabis drink e-mail feeling game Intransitive male rush show the transitive

92 parole straniere da 21 definizioni straniere

aandacht activity altitude Anglicisme Archaic as␣of audible Audiovisuel Aviation bees bottom bourdonnement Bruit Bruit␣de␣fond buzz buzzcut buzzer by␣means␣of call Cigarette close close-cropped Colloquial communicate confidentially confused consonants continuous conversation counting créée cropped cut drink␣to energy excitement faire faire␣parler fizz fizz-buzz fly fond friction given given␣name hair haste high high␣speed humming iets incessantly Informal level low mail Major make masculin means military murmur name noise of␣a parler person pour Prénom ronflement Rumeur rumor sibilant soi speed style Synonym tales talk talk␣to telephone telephone␣call topic topic␣of␣conversation to␣the Uncountable very voiced voor whisper widespread with

4 suffissi (Nuove parole trovati inserendo una o più lettere alla fine della parola.)

buzzurro buzzicona buzzonaglia buzzonaglie

88 volte in mezzo (Nuove parole trovati inserendo lettere di fronte e alla fine della parola.)

abbuzzì abbuzzii abbuzzirà abbuzzirò abbuzzita abbuzzite abbuzziti abbuzzito abbuzziva abbuzzivi abbuzzivo strabuzza strabuzzi strabuzzo strabuzzò abbuzzendo abbuzzente abbuzziamo abbuzziate abbuzzimmo abbuzzirai abbuzzirei abbuzzisca abbuzzisce abbuzzisci abbuzzisco abbuzzisse abbuzzissi abbuzziste abbuzzisti sgabuzzini sgabuzzino strabuzzai abbuzziremo abbuzzirete abbuzzirono abbuzzivamo abbuzzivano abbuzzivate strabuzzano strabuzzata strabuzzate strabuzzati strabuzzato strabuzzava strabuzzavi strabuzzavo strabuzzerà strabuzzerò strabuzzino +38 parole

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