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La parola burst è una parola straniera

16 brevi estratti dal Wikizionario (Il dizionario multilingue libero, in stile wiki!)

— In francese —
  • Burst n.prop. (Géographie) Section de la commune de Erpe-Mere en Belgique.
— In inglese —
  • burst v. (Intransitive) To break from internal pressure.
  • burst v. (Transitive) To cause to break from internal pressure.
  • burst v. (Transitive, obsolete) To cause to break by any means.
  • burst v. (Transitive) To separate (printer paper) at perforation lines.
  • burst v. (Intransitive) To enter or exit hurriedly and unexpectedly.
  • burst v. (Intransitive) To erupt; to change state suddenly as if bursting.
  • burst v. (Transitive) To produce as an effect of bursting.
  • burst v. (Transitive) To interrupt suddenly in a violent or explosive…
  • burst n. An act or instance of bursting.
  • burst n. A sudden, often intense, expression, manifestation or display.
  • burst n. A series of shots fired from an automatic firearm.
  • burst n. (Military) The explosion of a bomb or missile.
  • burst n. (Archaic) A drinking spree.
— in tedesco —
  • Burst S. Astrophysik: „plötzliche Intensitätserhöhung der Strahlung…
  • bürst V. 2. Person Singular Imperativ Präsens Aktiv des Verbs bürsten.
15 parole italiane da 16 definizioni straniere

and break cause commune display intense Intransitive Mere missile obsolete produce separate state The Transitive

60 parole straniere da 16 definizioni straniere

act Aktiv any Archaic as␣if Astrophysik automatic Belgique bomb bürsten bursting by␣any␣means change de␣la der des drinking effect enter Erpe Erpe-Mere erupt exit explosion explosive expression firearm fired from Géographie hurriedly Imperativ instance internal interrupt lines manifestation means Military of␣a often paper perforation Person plötzliche Präsens pressure printer Section series shots shots␣fired Singular spree Strahlung sudden suddenly unexpectedly Verbs violent

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