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La parola bullshit è una parola straniera

16 brevi estratti dal Wikizionario (Il dizionario multilingue libero, in stile wiki!)

— In francese —
  • bullshit n.f. (Québec) (Populaire) Paroles menteuses ou absurdes qui…
  • bullshit n.f. (Québec) (Populaire) Mensonges.
— In inglese —
  • bullshit n. (Vulgar, literally) Feces produced by a bull.
  • bullshit n. (Vulgar, slang, usual sense) Statements that are false or…
  • bullshit n. (Vulgar, slang) Statements that are transparently or offensively false.
  • bullshit n. (Rhetoric) Statements that are intentionally misleading…
  • bullshit n. (Philosophy) Statements made without regard for their truth value.
  • bullshit n. (Vulgar, slang) Synonym of shit (in its sense of any stuff…
  • bullshit n. (Card games, possibly vulgar) A card game in which players…
  • bullshit adj. (Vulgar, slang) absurd, irrational, or nonsensical (Most…
  • bullshit v. (Transitive, intransitive, vulgar, slang) To tell lies, exaggerate;…
  • bullshit v. (Intransitive, vulgar, slang) To have casual conversation…
  • bullshit v. (Intransitive, vulgar, slang) To come up with on the spot; to improvise.
  • bullshit interj. (Vulgar, slang) An expression of disbelief at what one has just heard.
— In olandese —
  • bullshit n. Onjuiste informatie of opvattingen.
  • bullshit tuss. Onzin! (uitroep on nadrukkelijk aan te geven dat wat een…
11 parole italiane da 16 definizioni straniere

are casual come game intransitive qui slang spot tell the Transitive

74 parole straniere da 16 definizioni straniere

aan absurd absurdes any bull card card␣game Card␣games come␣up come␣up␣with conversation dat disbelief een exaggerate expression false Feces for games geven has have heard improvise informatie intentionally irrational its just lies literally made Mensonges menteuses misleading Most nadrukkelijk nonsensical offensively one on␣the on␣the␣spot Onzin opvattingen Paroles Philosophy players Populaire possibly produced Québec regard Rhetoric sense shit Statements stuff Synonym that their To␣come transparently truth truth␣value uitroep usual value vulgar wat what which with without

Una parola in parola DaS (Parola trovato scritto da destra a sinistra, all'interno della parola. Dimensione minima 3 lettere.)


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