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La parola bracket è una parola straniera

23 brevi estratti dal Wikizionario (Il dizionario multilingue libero, in stile wiki!)

— In inglese —
  • bracket n. A fixture attached to a wall to hold up a shelf.
  • bracket n. (Engineering) Any intermediate object that connects a smaller…
  • bracket n. (Nautical) A short crooked timber, resembling a knee, used as a support.
  • bracket n. (Military) The cheek or side of an ordnance carriage, supporting…
  • bracket n. Any of the characters "(", ")", "[", "]", "{", "}", "<"…
  • bracket n. (Sports) A printed diagram of games in a tournament.
  • bracket n. (Sports) A prediction of the outcome of games in a tournament…
  • bracket n. One of several ranges of numbers.
  • bracket n. (Algebra) A pair of values that represent the smallest and…
  • bracket n. (Military) Typically of stationary weapons, the zone enclosed…
  • bracket n. (Typography) The small curved or angular corner formed by…
  • bracket n. (Land surveying, 19th century) a mark cut into a stone by…
  • bracket v. To support by means of mechanical brackets.
  • bracket v. To enclose in typographical brackets.
  • bracket v. To bound on both sides, to surround, as enclosing with brackets.
  • bracket v. To place in the same category.
  • bracket v. To mark distinctly for special treatment.
  • bracket v. To set aside, discount, ignore.
  • bracket v. (Military) To gauge the range of a target by firing equally…
  • bracket v. (Photography) To take multiple images of the same subject…
  • bracket v. (Philosophy, phenomenology) In the philosophical system of…
  • bracket n. Alternative form of bragget (“drink made with ale and honey”).
— In olandese —
  • bracket n. (Werktuigbouwkunde) gedeelte van het fietsframe waarin de…
16 parole italiane da 23 definizioni straniere

Algebra Alternative and corner discount drink Engineering gauge Land multiple set special target the van zone

102 parole straniere da 23 definizioni straniere

ale angular Any aside attached both bound brackets bragget by␣means␣of carriage category century characters cheek connects crooked curved cut diagram distinctly enclose enclosed enclosing equally fietsframe firing fixture for form formed games gedeelte het hold hold␣up honey ignore images intermediate into knee made mark means mechanical Military Nautical numbers object of␣a of␣an One ordnance outcome pair phenomenology philosophical Philosophy Photography place prediction printed range ranges represent resembling same set␣aside several shelf short side sides small smaller smallest Sports stationary stone subject support supporting surround surveying system take that the␣same timber tournament treatment Typically typographical Typography used values waarin wall weapons Werktuigbouwkunde with

2 parole in parola (Parole trovati come all'interno della parola. Dimensione minima 3 lettere.)

rack racket

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