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La parola blotch è una parola straniera

9 brevi estratti dal Wikizionario (Il dizionario multilingue libero, in stile wiki!)

— In inglese —
  • blotch n. An uneven patch of color or discoloration.
  • blotch n. An irregularly shaped area.
  • blotch n. (Figuratively) Imperfection; blemish on one’s reputation, stain.
  • blotch n. Any of various crop diseases that cause the plant to form spots.
  • blotch n. A bright or dark spot on old film caused by dirt and loss…
  • blotch n. A dark spot on the skin; a pustule.
  • blotch n. (Slang) Blotting paper.
  • blotch v. (Transitive) To mark with blotches.
  • blotch v. (Intransitive) To develop blotches, to become blotchy.
12 parole italiane da 9 definizioni straniere

and area Blotting cause dark film Intransitive patch Slang spot the Transitive

37 parole straniere da 9 definizioni straniere

Any become blemish blotches blotchy Blotting␣paper bright caused color crop develop dirt discoloration diseases Figuratively form Imperfection irregularly loss mark of␣color old one on␣the paper plant pustule reputation shaped skin spot␣on spots stain that uneven various with

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