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La parola behind è una parola straniera

20 brevi estratti dal Wikizionario (Il dizionario multilingue libero, in stile wiki!)

— In inglese —
  • behind prep. At or to the back or far side of.
  • behind prep. Less forward or advanced than; after.
  • behind prep. Responsible for, being the creator or controller of.
  • behind prep. Underlying, being the reason for or explanation of.
  • behind prep. In support of.
  • behind prep. (Nonstandard, US, slang) As a result or consequence of.
  • behind adv. At or in the rear or back part of something.
  • behind adv. In a rearward direction.
  • behind adv. So as to come after someone or something in position, distance…
  • behind adv. So as to be still in place after someone or something has…
  • behind adv. Backward in time or order of succession; past.
  • behind adv. Behind the scenes in a theatre; backstage.
  • behind adv. (Archaic) Not yet brought forward, produced, or exhibited…
  • behind adj. Not advanced to the required or expected degree; overdue or in arrears.
  • behind adj. (Of a watch or clock) Slow.
  • behind n. The rear, back-end.
  • behind n. (Informal) The buttocks, bottom, butt.
  • behind n. (Australian rules football) A one-point score.
  • behind n. (Baseball, slang, 1800s) The catcher.
  • behind n. In the Eton College field game, any of a group of players…
11 parole italiane da 20 definizioni straniere

Baseball clock College come controller football game Not score slang the

84 parole straniere da 20 definizioni straniere

advanced after any Archaic arrears As␣a␣result as␣to Australian Australian␣rules back back␣end backstage Backward Behind Behind␣the␣scenes being bottom brought brought␣forward butt buttocks catcher come␣after consequence creator degree direction distance end Eton exhibited expected explanation far field field␣game for forward group has Informal in␣place in␣time Less Nonstandard Not␣yet of␣a one order order␣of␣succession or␣something overdue part past place players point position produced rear rearward reason required Responsible result rules scenes side Slow So␣as So␣as␣to someone something still succession support than theatre time to␣come to␣the Underlying watch yet

Una parola in parola (Parola trovato come all'interno della parola. Dimensione minima 3 lettere.)


Un anagramma meno una lettera (Nuova parola formata con tutte le lettere dalla parola meno una lettera.)


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