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La parola batwing è una parola straniera

9 brevi estratti dal Wikizionario (Il dizionario multilingue libero, in stile wiki!)

— In inglese —
  • batwing n. The wing of a bat, or its shape.
  • batwing n. Several South or Southeast Asian species of tailless dark…
  • batwing n. An area of flabby fat under a person’s arms.
  • batwing n. A long sleeve with a deep armhole, tapering toward the wrist.
  • batwing n. One of a pair of swinging doors which typically do not lock…
  • batwing n. (Often attributive) An exercise or posture on the stomach…
  • batwing v. (Transitive, intransitive, Internet slang) To kill or murder;…
  • bat-wing n. Alternative spelling of batwing.
  • bat␣wing n. Alternative spelling of batwing.
11 parole italiane da 9 definizioni straniere

Alternative area dark Internet intransitive not posture slang spelling the Transitive

40 parole straniere da 9 definizioni straniere

armhole arms Asian attributive bat batwing deep doors exercise fat flabby its kill lock long murder of␣a Often One on␣the pair person Several shape sleeve South Southeast Southeast␣Asian species stomach swinging tailless tapering toward typically under which wing with wrist

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